Our team was again prominent on home turf.

For the second time this week, a Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl rider finished top three in a kermesse after animating the race from the very outset. It happened in Zwevezele, where neo-pro Stan Van Tricht came home a strong third, just three days after Ethan Vernon finished runner-up in Vichte.

Consisting of 16 laps for a total of 153.5 kilometers, Friday’s kermesse got off to a furious start, a huge group forming off the front after the opening lap. Bert Van Lerberghe and Stan Van Tricht were there for Quick-Step Alpha Vinyl, helping the breakaway gain a minute after just a few kilometers. A series of attacks whittled down the group to just seven men, but the gap remained unchanged and they ended up fighting for victory, which went to Lionel Taminiaux (Alpecin-Fenix), while Stan took third in the sprint.

“Initially we didn’t really have an ideal situation, as there were only two of us in the break, but we tried to do our turns and save energy when possible. At one point it became clear the move would make it and I started feeling better and better during the race and was there when a selection was made. In the final kilometers there was a bit of poker, I tried to react and stay in a good position at all times, but was surprised from behind in the sprint. The win wasn’t possible anymore, but the podium is a good result and I am content with my day”, said Stan after the race.


Photo credit: ©Stuart Franklin / Getty Images

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